"Beneath the Mask" is a song in Persona 5 and is played in Tokyo at night. The song is composed by Shoji Meguro with lyrics by Rike Schmalz and vocals by Lyn Inaizumi.
An instrumental version with an electronic organ playing the main melody is also used for the daytime segments, and each of those has a 2nd variation without percussion that plays on rainy days.
#persona5 #lyninaizumi #BeneathTheMask #rpg #live
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"Beneath the Mask" is a song in Persona 5 and is played in Tokyo at night. The song is composed by Shoji Meguro with lyrics by Rike Schmalz and vocals by Lyn Inaizumi.
An instrumental version with an electronic organ playing the main melody is also used for the daytime segments, and each of those has a 2nd variation without percussion that plays on rainy days.
#persona5 #lyninaizumi #BeneathTheMask #rpg #live