The short film “HOPE” is about the journey of a newborn baby sea turtle named Aqua. During his journey, he faces many obstacles from human pollution to different predators. Using his mind and courage he overcomes one obstacle after the other until he reaches his final destination. Just before he enters the sea, he witnesses a life-changing scene, that he bravely overcomes and grows as a character.
Credits: Greentree Production
Writer: Abdulla Al Janahi
Director: Abdulla Al Janahi
Producer: Abdulaziz Khashabi
Producer: Fabian Loing
The short film “HOPE” is about the journey of a newborn baby sea turtle named Aqua. During his journey, he faces many obstacles from human pollution to different predators. Using his mind and courage he overcomes one obstacle after the other until he reaches his final destination. Just before he enters the sea, he witnesses a life-changing scene, that he bravely overcomes and grows as a character.
Credits: Greentree Production
Writer: Abdulla Al Janahi
Director: Abdulla Al Janahi
Producer: Abdulaziz Khashabi
Producer: Fabian Loing