1 Ditonton Premium23/12/2023
Siri barks for Pine
0 Ditonton
When your teammates are musically talented...
Siri gets in a fight
PINE and SIRI play in a game show..
You sound like a radio host...
SIRI flips a coin for PINE
SIRI claims PINE..
PINE makes her scream..
SIRI traps PINE with some help..
Pretending to be the ad break from Spotify...
PINE and SIRI play Lethal Company..
PINE are you that guy from..
PINE thinks about SIRI 24/7…
SIRI sets an alarm and they freak out..
PINE has the daddy voice..
He LOVED my voice...
Pine and Siri have some fun...
1 Ditonton
This is a PSA for all my new friends…
Siri tells me the weather...
PINE impresses COTTONTAIL with his..