Mary and Max is a 2009 Australian independent stop-motion animated comedy-drama film written and directed by Adam Elliot and was his first animated feature film. The film was produced by Melanie Coombs and Melodrama Pictures with music by Dale Cornelius. The voice cast includes Philip Seymour Hoffman, Toni Collette, Eric Bana and Bethany Whitmore, with narration provided by Barry Humphries.
The film follows the lives and friendship of two unlikely pen-pals; Mary, a lonely Australian girl, and Max, an overweight American man with Asperger's syndrome. The film is inspired by Elliot's relationship with his pen-friend in New York whom he has been writing to for over twenty years.
Director: Adam Elliot
Cast: Toni Collette, Philip Seymour Hoffman, Eric Bana, Bethany Whitmore
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