Title: Saikyou Degarashi Ouji no Anyaku Teii Arasoi: Munou wo Enjiru SS Rank Ouji wa Koui Keishousen wo Kage kara Shihai suru
English Title:
Format: TV
Source: Light Novel
Studio: To Be Announced
Genre: Action, Adventure, Fantasy
Release Date: To Be Announced
Season: To Be Announced
The secret battle fantasy of the strongest prince who hides his claws!
Arnold is a lethargic prince who is ridiculed by the entire empire as an "insipid" runner. But in fact, he is the most powerful prince with a secret identity as Silver, an SS-grade adventurer who manipulates forbidden ancient magic! The story of the strongest prince who plays the role of an incompetent, and his secret struggle for the throne begins!
[Source: BOOK☆WALKER Global]