Hiii! listen, I know this is from easter but enjoy my first vlog having a go at the Sony vlog camera- it's gorggggg anyway subscribe for more :)))
Bio: https://link.rivetapp.co/helenayasmin/
Healing for Artists Podcast: https://anchor.fm/healingforartists
& @imhelenayasmin everywhere else!
Leave a tip on CashApp: £HelenaYasLloyd anything would be abundantly appreciated
Have you seen Cash App? Try it using my code and we’ll each get £5. SVSQGJF
Editing Program: Final Cut Pro
♪ M U S I C ♪
Listen to the latest song 3:00Am here: https://open.spotify.com/album/1kQWPg...
Spotify Jams: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7MO...
If you're reading this, I want to let you know that if you take small steps today, you won't believe the great distances you'll go! Keep pushing I believe in you
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