Previous work on multi-task learning in Natural Language Processing (NLP) often incorporated carefully selected tasks as well as carefully tuning of architectures to share information across tasks. Recently, it has shown that
for autoregressive language models, a multitask second pre-training step on a wide variety
of NLP tasks leads to a set of parameters that
more easily adapt for other NLP tasks. In this
paper, we examine whether a similar setup can
be used in autoencoder language models using
a restricted set of semantically oriented NLP
tasks, namely all SemEval 2022 tasks that are
annotated at the word, sentence or paragraph
level. We first evaluate a multi-task model
trained on all SemEval 2022 tasks that contain
annotation on the word, sentence or paragraph
level (7 tasks, 11 sub-tasks), and then evaluate whether re-finetuning the resulting model
for each task specificially leads to further improvements. Our results show that our monotask baseline, our multi-task model and our refinetuned multi-task model each outperform the
other models for a subset of the tasks. Overall,
huge gains can be observed by doing multi-task
learning: for three tasks we observe an error
reduction of more than 40%.