8 Ditonton Premium15/07/2022
Loli Impact 🗿
7.8K Ditonton
Di final S70, Faker lama kalah dua game berturut-turut karena alasan fisik. Faker dipasang ventilato
3 Ditonton
WARNING!!! DON'T DO THIS Fatal Mistake Right Now or In Genshin Version 2.4..
23 Ditonton
97% Player Didn t Know About This Trick!
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When MiHoYo Suddenly Release a Skin for Sucrose But In a Different Format...
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When KOKOMI Fans Realize Something's Wrong With HER TRAILER...
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“Kamu masih harus melihat Nata untuk menjadi model.”
12 Ditonton
NOICE!!! The BEST REWARDS You Can Get In The New Albedo Event...
21 Ditonton
THIS Is Why Genshin Players Want To KEEP YAE Miko In Her Shrine...
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Genshin Impact BEFORE MiHoYo Take Xiao's Infinity Stone or His POWER...
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Genshin Impact Graphics Quality Drop From CBT to Official Released Be Like...
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BIGGEST!!! Character Buff EVER by MiHoYo In Genshin Version 2.3...
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When MiHoYo Already Knew This Thing Would Happen...
When MiHoYo Nerf a Character For a Reasons...
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When You Realize This Character Can Become AN ARCHON...
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Terutama seorang pemberontak
5 Ditonton
When MiHoYo Gives More Freemogems After The Anniversary For ReRun Banner...
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When The New Event Already Released, America and Europe Players be Like...
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UNBELIEVABLE!!! MiHoYo Finally Officially Introduce KAMISATO AYATO...
96 Ditonton
OOOH MY GOD!!! This Is The BEST REWARDS So Far From MiHoYo...
17 Ditonton