Title: Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun (2023)
English title: Toilet-bound Hanako-kun (2023)
* Toilet-bound Hanako-kun "anime project restart" *
Format: Unknown
Source: Manga
Studio: To Be Announced
Genre: Comedy, School, Supernatural
Release Date: October 11, 2023
Season: Fall 2023
The ghostly Hanako-kun and his mortal assistant, Nene Yashiro, usually have their hands full resolving various supernatural incidents in Kamome Academy, but how do they spend their time when they get a break from all that? Come and watch the characters of Toilet-bound Hanako-kun play games, get sick, change genders, and discover world-shaking secrets during their laid-back after-school hours!
[Source: Yen Press]