Step Back to Glory (2013) is a true story of the unrelenting endurance and perseverance of a group of passionate teenage girls, in a film that firmly grasps audiences and tugs at the heartstrings with an emotionally charged story of tug-of-war. The film stands out from all of the other Cinderella-story movies in its faithful portrayal.
Step Back to Glory is an inspiring story about the Jingmei girls’ arduous journey from underdog to becoming a championship team. To stay true to the real story, the filmmakers intentionally chose members of the Jingmei High School (Taiwan), tug-of-war team to play themselves.
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Step Back to Glory (2013) is a true story of the unrelenting endurance and perseverance of a group of passionate teenage girls, in a film that firmly grasps audiences and tugs at the heartstrings with an emotionally charged story of tug-of-war. The film stands out from all of the other Cinderella-story movies in its faithful portrayal.
Step Back to Glory is an inspiring story about the Jingmei girls’ arduous journey from underdog to becoming a championship team. To stay true to the real story, the filmmakers intentionally chose members of the Jingmei High School (Taiwan), tug-of-war team to play themselves.