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5 Fastest Big Shoulder Exercises

1 View20 hours ago

5 Fastest Big Shoulder Exercises #shoulderexercises #shoulderworkout 5 Huge Shoulder Workout At Gym - Build Massive Shoulders Dumbbell Lateral Raise: ➖ 4x15! Seated Dumbbell Shoulder Press: ➖ 4x10 - heavy(ish) Crossbody Reverse Cable Fly: ➖ 4x15! Smith Machine Behind the Neck Press: ➖ 4x10! Smith Machine Upright Row: ➖ 4x12/15! 💪 Achieve your fitness goals with full-body workouts, strength training, fat-burning exercises, and gym routines for men & women! 🏋️‍♂️ Perfect for beginners & pros alike—dumbbell exercises, quick 10-minute workouts, and more! 🔥 Get fit, stay motivated, and transform your body today! 🌟 #FitnessMotivation #gymworkouts #shoulderworkout #shoulderexercises #fitness #workout #gym #exercise #shoulder #thegym #bouldershoulders #shouldergains #biggershoulders #strengthtraining #musclebuilding #fitnessmotivation #gymmotivation
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