Title: 우리 영화/Our Movie
Also Known As: Uri Yeonghwa
Genres: Romance, Melodrama
Drama: Our Movie
Country: South Korea
Episodes: 12
Airs: Apr 18, 2025 - May 24, 2025
Airs On: Friday, Saturday
Original Network: SBS
Director: Lee Jung Heum
Screenwriter: Han Ga Eun, Kang Gyeong Min
Lee Je Ha followed in his father's footsteps, who was considered a master and became a movie director. Lee Je Ha received worldwide attention for his debut film and was called a genius, but he has been obsessed over a possible sophomore jinx. Over the past 5 years, he has not worked on anything. Deciding to end his 5-year hiatus, Lee Je Ha begins to work on his second film. The screenplay will tell a romance story involving someone with only a limited amount of time to live.
While doing research for the movie, Lee Je Ha meets Lee Da Eum. She is an aspiring actress and suffers from a rare incurable disease. She doesn't know how long she has left to live, but she is very social, and everyone in the hospital knows her. She gives advice to Lee Je Ha for his movie and becomes interested in the script. This becomes a turning point for her as an aspiring actress. As they work on the romance movie together, Lee Je Ha and Lee Da Eum, who have their own illnesses, form a romantic relationship.
Namkoong Min - Lee Je-Ha
Jeon Yeo-Bin - Lee Da-Eum