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Samurai X tagalog dubbed episode 2

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Genre: Adventure, Martial Arts, Romance Plot: When arriving in Tokyo in the 11th year of Meiji era (1878), the former Ishin Shishi Himura Kenshin wanders around Japan until reaching Tokyo. There, he is attacked by a young woman named Kamiya Kaoru, who believes him to be the Hitokiri Battōsai but ends up forgetting about him upon the appearance of a man claiming to be the Hitokiri Battōsai–tarnishing the name of the swordsmanship school that she teaches. Kenshin decides to help her and defeats the fake Battōsai, revealing himself as the actual former manslayer who has become a pacifist. Kaoru invites Kenshin to stay at her dojo, claiming she is not interested in his past. Although Kenshin accepts the invitation, his fame causes him to accidentally attract other warriors who wish him dead. However, Kenshin also meets new friends including the young Myōjin Yahiko who wishes to reach his strength but ends up becoming Kaoru's student, the fighter-for-hire Sagara Sanosuke from the Sekihō Army who realizes the current Kenshin is different from the Ishin Shishi he detested for killing his leader Sagara Sōzō, and the doctor Takani Megumi who wishes to atone for her sins as a drug dealer, inspired by Kenshin's devotion to his past.
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Samurai X
Samurai X tagalog dubbed episode 3

Samurai X tagalog dubbed episode 3

Samurai X tagalog dubbed episode 2

Samurai X tagalog dubbed episode 2

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Samurai X tagalog dubbed episode 1