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七环 - 埃格贝托·吉斯蒙蒂 由埃格贝托·吉斯蒙蒂创作的《七环》与视觉艺术家安东尼奥·佩蒂科夫的雕塑《七环》有直接联系,该雕塑于1986年在里约热内卢商业中心画廊展出。展览结束后,吉斯蒙蒂将《七环》献给了钢琴家阿米莉亚姑妈,她在20世纪70年代主持过一个电视节目。 在《七环》的吉他乐团编曲中,我们参考了专辑《Alma》中的录音,并结合了备受赞誉的巴西吉他二重奏版本中的一些创意解决方案。 青年吉他乐团 Música na Rede 传统而享有盛誉的AV-Rio吉他系列音乐会推出了来自圣灵州的青年吉他乐团Música na Rede,演奏埃格贝托·吉斯蒙蒂、赫尔梅托·帕斯科尔、阿斯托尔·皮亚佐拉和毛里西奥·德·奥利维拉等人的作品! 🎵 在菲利普·阿雷亚斯的指挥下,布鲁诺·苏亚雷斯负责教学协调,法比亚诺·迈耶尔担任总协调人。该乐团是圣灵州教育部(SEDU)、圣灵州音乐学院(FAMES)和圣灵州研究与创新基金会(FAPES)合作的成果。该项目覆盖了36个市镇的65所学校,不仅局限于吉他教学,还旨在通过提供丰富的知识,促进教育课程的发展。 青年吉他乐团由各自学校中表现优异的学生组成,他们获得了研究奖学金,并有机会全身心投入到音乐和学业中。该乐团丰富了圣灵州的音乐舞台,其曲目以巴西流行音乐为重点,包含莫西尔·桑托斯、西武卡、格罗丽娜·加德拉、埃格贝托·吉斯蒙蒂、埃拉尔多·杜·蒙特、赫尔梅托·帕斯科尔、泽·马塞利诺和毛里西奥·德·奥利维拉的作品,以及利奥·布劳尔和阿斯托尔·皮亚佐拉的经典作品。 Seven Rings - Egberto Gismonti The composition "Seven Rings," written by Egberto Gismonti, has a direct connection to the sculpture "The Seven Rings" by visual artist Antônio Peticov, which was exhibited at the Business Center Gallery in Rio de Janeiro in 1986. After the exhibition, Gismonti dedicated "Seven Rings" to pianist Aunt Amélia, who hosted a television show in the 1970s. In the arrangement for guitar orchestra of "Seven Rings," we used as reference the recording from the album Alma and incorporated some creative solutions from the version by the acclaimed Brasil Guitar Duo. Orquestra Jovem de Violões Música na Rede 🎵 Conducted by Phillipp Areias, with pedagogical coordination by Bruno Soares and general coordination by Fabiano Mayer, the orchestra is the result of a commitment between the Espírito Santo State Department of Education (SEDU), the Espírito Santo Music College (FAMES), and the Espírito Santo Foundation for Research and Innovation Support (FAPES). Reaching 65 schools in 36 municipalities, the project transcends guitar education, also aiming to enrich the school curriculum with knowledge that promotes the development of the educational program. The Orquestra Jovem is composed of students who excel in their respective schools, receive research scholarships, and have the opportunity to dedicate thems
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