U.S. Marines are dug in and ready in First to Fight,
a World War II saga that takes its title from the
Marine Hymn, its battle savvy from the technical
guidance of a Marine veteran of Saipan and Iwo Jima
and its power from a script by Star Trek veteran
Gene L. Coon, himself a Marine sergeant during
World War II and the Korean War.
"They were pretty hard to miss," Jack Connell
(Chad Everett) says about the waves of attacking
enemy he pushes back on
Guadalcanal. Yet the
young leatherneck's tough-
est test lies ahead. After a
stateside hitch where he
receives the Congressional
Medal of Honor and mar-
ries, he's no longer a
gung-ho devil dog when he
returns to combat. Connell
is frozen with fright-until
an unflinching Sarge (Gene Hackman) rekindles his
courage. The man they call Shanghai Jack Connell
proved himself once. In the jungle-green hell of Saipan,
he'll do it again.