Kurama, also known as the Nine-Tails, is a key character in the Naruto series. It's one of the nine powerful tailed beasts created by the Sage of Six Paths, Hagoromo Otsutsuki. Kurama is known for its immense chakra and destructive power. It was sealed within Naruto Uzumaki when he was just a baby, as part of a plan to protect the village and contain its power.
Initially, Kurama harbored deep resentment towards humans due to being mistreated and feared. This caused it to act as a malevolent force within Naruto, influencing his behavior and causing him trouble. However, as the series progresses, Naruto forms a bond with Kurama through understanding and empathy. They eventually become allies, with Kurama lending Naruto its chakra to help him in battles.
Kurama plays a significant role in Naruto's growth as a ninja and as a person. Its power becomes a vital asset for Naruto, especially in his battles against formidable opponents. Over time, Naruto and Kurama develop mutual respect and trust, leading to Kurama sacrificing its life to save Naruto during the Fourth Great Ninja War. This act marks a turning point in their relationship and showcases the depth of their bond.