"The Boss Baby" is a 2017 animated comedy film directed by Tom McGrath and produced by DreamWorks Animation. The film follows a young boy named Tim, who discovers that his new baby brother is actually a secret agent on a mission to stop an evil plot by Puppy Co., which is led by the charismatic CEO, Francis E. Francis.
The baby, known as "The Boss Baby," can talk and wears a suit, and he teams up with Tim to take down Francis and his plan to replace babies with puppies. As Tim and The Boss Baby embark on their mission, they learn valuable lessons about the importance of family and the power of imagination.
"The Boss Baby" received generally positive reviews for its clever humor, imaginative story, and heartfelt message. It was also a commercial success, spawning a sequel, a television series, and other related media. WHERE HER FOOR FREE :👉👉😂🤦♀️👉👉👉http://adfoc.us/855777102553254