"Ice Sharks" is a 2016 science fiction horror film directed by Emile Edwin Smith. The story revolves around a team of researchers who are studying the effects of climate change in the Arctic. However, their expedition takes a terrifying turn when they encounter a species of prehistoric, ice-dwelling sharks that begin to attack them.
As the team struggles to survive against these deadly predators, they must also contend with the harsh Arctic environment and their own dwindling resources. The film combines elements of creature features and survival horror, with the isolated setting and relentless nature of the sharks adding to the tension and suspense.
"Ice Sharks" is known for its B-movie charm and over-the-top action sequences, making it a fun watch for fans of creature features and low-budget horror films. WHERE HERE FOOR FREE / 👉👉👉👉👉http://adfoc.us/855777102552835