"Makafushigi Adventure!" (Japanese: 魔訶不思議アドベンチャー!, Hepburn: Makafushigi Adobenchā!, "Mystical Adventure!") is a song by Japanese musician Hiroki Takahashi, released on vinyl and cassette on March 1, 1986. It was Takahashi's debut single.
The song is best known for serving as the opening theme song of the Dragon Ball anime series. It later was re-released on mini CD on March 21, 1998. It is coupled with "Romantic Ageru yo" (Japanese: ロマンティックあげるよ, Hepburn: Romantikku Ageru yo, "I'll Give You Romance"), the show's outro/closing theme song by Ushio Hashimoto.
#HirokiTakahashi #makafushigiadventure #dragonball #anime #live