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曼彻斯特生活体验|Life Updates in Manchester

5 ViewsMar 6, 2024

谢谢观看视频。这是一期关于在英国曼彻斯特生活的视频。内容比较琐碎,主要集中于生活工作平衡、生活习惯、日常外出就餐消费转变等。因为还要全职上班,所以更新比较慢。谢谢关注~~~ Hi there, thank you for checking out the description. In this video, you will see my experience living in Manchester in general by taking you to my ordinary week. Some of the key themes would be work-life balance, routines, lifestyle, and spending habits on meals. I am unable to upload videos weekly due to my full-time job but any new videos released will be posted in this channel. 油Y管@Yanglaoshi.
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