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Emperor Zurg (Famicom MIDI Theme)

1 ViewDec 13, 2023

Converted the infamous Emperor Zurg theme from "Toy Story 2: Buzz Lightyear to the Rescue" [Video Game], into a Famicom MIDI theme; thanks to GXSCC. If anyone uses this, please credit me or give me a mention, and also credit Andy Blythe and Marten Joustra for the original theme as well. ENJOY! WARNING: 1) The words "Kitsune", "Diclaim", and others are effectively BANNED from my channel, FOR GOOD. [If you assume any of the above, you'll be down-voted, reported, and BLOCKED) 2) DO NOT STEAL/USE WITHOUT: - PERMISSION - CREDITING ME. Don't complain! Don't forget to like, subscribe, comment, share; and I'll see you in the next video; love you!! DO NOT STEAL, COPY, FLAG (CLAIM), DESTROY, VANDALIZE (PLAGIARIZE) THIS, OR ANY OF MY VIDEOS ON MY CHANNEL!
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