Iraivan (2023) unfolds a chilling tale in the city of Chennai, gripped by fear due to a psycho killer. As confidence in the police diminishes, ACP Arjun and ACP Andrew step in to investigate. Arjun, haunted by a dark past, unravels shocking truths about the killer. After an initial arrest, chaos ensues when the killer escapes. When Arjun loses both Andrew and his love interest, he descends into darkness and then embarks on a quest to vanquish the killers.
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Iraivan (2023) unfolds a chilling tale in the city of Chennai, gripped by fear due to a psycho killer. As confidence in the police diminishes, ACP Arjun and ACP Andrew step in to investigate. Arjun, haunted by a dark past, unravels shocking truths about the killer. After an initial arrest, chaos ensues when the killer escapes. When Arjun loses both Andrew and his love interest, he descends into darkness and then embarks on a quest to vanquish the killers.