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Salpa Maggiore

3 ViewsJul 25, 2023

Salpa Maggiore Salpa maggiore is a transparent, tube-shaped marine animal. Salpa maggiore are planktonic animals, which means they float in the water and cannot swim against the current. They eat small plankton, such as diatoms and dinoflagellates. Salpa maggiore move by pumping water through their bodies. This movement creates jets that propel them through the water. Salpa Maggiore Salpa maggiore adalah hewan laut yang transparan dan berbentuk seperti tabung. Salpa maggiore adalah hewan plankton, yang berarti mereka melayang di air dan tidak bisa berenang melawan arus. Mereka makan plankton kecil, seperti diatom dan dinoflagellata. Salpa maggiore bergerak dengan cara memompa air melalui tubuh mereka. Gerakan ini menciptakan jet yang mendorong mereka melalui air.
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