The Egghead Arc, also referred to as the Future Island Arc, is the thirty-second story arc of the manga and anime One Piece, the first story arc of the Final Saga, and the ninth story arc of the second half of the series.
The aftermaths of both the Levely and the Raid on Onigashima have had immense consequences for the world. After the Lulusia Kingdom is erased from history and while major shifts in the world are happening with the global war heating up, the Straw Hat Pirates, following their Log Pose, arrive at the mysterious, futuristic island Egghead where the super genius Dr. Vegapunk resides. However, after being tipped off about Vegapunk's research into the Void Century, the World Government decides to assassinate Vegapunk, sending a CP0 team that includes two agents the Straw Hats have dealt with before.