"9" is a 2009 computer-animated post-apocalyptic science fiction film directed by Shane Acker, produced by Tim Burton. In the film, Elijah Wood voices a small ragdoll-like robot who awakens shortly after the end of mankind, and must find eight other robots to figure out the mystery behind humanity's destruction while tangling with the vicious creations of a massive soul-stealing machine.
When 9 (Elijah Wood) springs to life, it finds itself in a post-apocalyptic world where humans no longer exist, and the only signs of life are sentient rag dolls like itself and the machines that hunt them. Though it is the youngest of the group, 9 convinces comrades that the only way to survive against the machines is to stop hiding, go on the offensive, and find out why the machines want to destroy them. As 9 and the group learn, civilization hinges on their success or failure.
Elijah Wood as #9
John C. Reilly as #5
Jennifer Connelly as #7
Christopher Plummer as #1
Crispin Glover as #6
Martin Landau as #2
Fred Tatasciore as #8