What type of time travel is used in A Christmas Carol? Neil
deGrasse Tyson and comic co-host Chuck Nice answer
fan questions on time travel, paradoxes, and wormholes
with theoretical physicist, Brian Greene. Did Ebenezer
Scrooge get pulled through a wormhole?
How did people think about time travel before Einstein?
How did the special theory of relativity change how we
think about time? Discover time dilation and how speed
and gravity affects an object's passage of time. What type
of time travel was Charles Dickens using?
Learn about the possible paradoxes of traveling and
meddling with the past. Is there one immutable timeline or
many timelines in a multiverse? Do we have free will?
What is time to a photon traveling at the speed of light?
How would we police time travel if it were possible? Will
we even have time travel in the future? If time travel gets
invented, why are we not overrun by tourists from the
Which films depict time travel best? How are cells affected
by time travel? We explore the movement of information in
and out of black holes, string theory, and tachyons. Could
we theoretically time travel to before the big bang? Finally,
is there even a realm to travel to before the Big Bang?