A young girl named Wisp is brought to a dark, desolate land with the mission to bring color to this fictional world by locating the "Sphere of Light". Along the way, she befriends a sprite named Twink and a talking horse named Starlite. Along the way, she also finds a mysterious baby who turns out to be the key to her mission. With the help of her new friends, Wisp locates the legendary Color Belt and rescues the seven Color Kids, who had been trapped by the King of Shadows. Using the Color Belt, Wisp defeats the King of Shadows, liberates the sprites, and brings color and beauty to the land, henceforth called Rainbow Land. Wisp is renamed Rainbow Brite by the Sphere of Light in honor of her new role as leader of the Color Kids, who are together in charge of all the colors in the universe.
Episode 1 Part2:
Wisp has found the magic Color Belt, and now with her friends Twink Sprite and Starlite, she must find the 7 Color Kids, and together they will need to defeat the King of Shadows to set the color free. But Murky Dismal and Lurky, the evil force's minions are still trying to stop her!