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EAS/EBS ANALOG: 3 Minute Warning (UK 1980s)

15 ViewsNov 26, 2022

It's 1986, and tensions between the West and the Soviets over Afghanistan boils over, with the U.S.S.R launching their first firing shots. The missiles began to arrive in 3 MINUTES. Now what would you do in -3 minutes? Based on the Nuclear Attack scene from "Where the Wind Blows" (1986). This is the 2nd UK EAS video I'm doing. Note: Fake/Fictional. Made with: - Pinnacle Studios 25 Ultimate. - Clipchamp. - NaraKeet (TTS Voice) - Voicechanger.IO DO NOT STEAL, COPY, FLAG (CLAIM), DESTROY, VANDALIZE (PLAGIARISE) THIS, OR ANY OF MY VIDEOS ON MY CHANNEL.
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