让我们在月底前获得 1 万名粉丝
Qǐng xǐhuān, fēnxiǎng hé guānzhù gèng duō
ràng wǒmen zài yuèdǐ qián huòdé 1 wàn míng fěnsī
gěi nǐmen nòng dào nèiróng bù róngyì
suǒyǐ tōngguò guānzhù, diǎnjī zàn ànniǔ hé fēnxiǎng lái biǎodá yīxiē ài
please like, share and follow for more
lets get 10k followers by the end of the month
it not easy to get the contents for you guys
so show some love by following, hitting the like button and sharing
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让我们在月底前获得 1 万名粉丝
Qǐng xǐhuān, fēnxiǎng hé guānzhù gèng duō
ràng wǒmen zài yuèdǐ qián huòdé 1 wàn míng fěnsī
gěi nǐmen nòng dào nèiróng bù róngyì
suǒyǐ tōngguò guānzhù, diǎnjī zàn ànniǔ hé fēnxiǎng lái biǎodá yīxiē ài
please like, share and follow for more
lets get 10k followers by the end of the month
it not easy to get the contents for you guys
so show some love by following, hitting the like button and sharing