"The Spirit of Food Halberd" is a story about a middle school student who runs a restaurant at home. Koping Sakuma, enters the "Totsuki Academy" to study and grow up in cooking combat comics. With the help of cooking researcher Yuki Morisaki, the "Weekly Shonen Jump No. 29", which has been serialized since 2012 and released on June 17, 2019, is officially heading for its final return.
食戟のソーマ 神ノ皿
Food Wars! Shokugeki no Souma Season 4
Starting: Oct 10, 2019
"The Spirit of Food Halberd" is a story about a middle school student who runs a restaurant at home. Koping Sakuma, enters the "Totsuki Academy" to study and grow up in cooking combat comics. With the help of cooking researcher Yuki Morisaki, the "Weekly Shonen Jump No. 29", which has been serialized since 2012 and released on June 17, 2019, is officially heading for its final return.