The plot centres on five girls known as the "Pentagrams," who aspire to become "true ladies worthy of the name". They often learn the arts of magic and etiquette while cultivating their overall culture in Ashram boarding school. The five pupils in question, Arsnotoria, Mell, Little Alberta, Picatrix, and Abramelin, attend lessons together, engage inactivities, and even drink tea after class in a secret chamber. The story is unfolding...
Starting: Jul 6, 2022
The plot centres on five girls known as the "Pentagrams," who aspire to become "true ladies worthy of the name". They often learn the arts of magic and etiquette while cultivating their overall culture in Ashram boarding school. The five pupils in question, Arsnotoria, Mell, Little Alberta, Picatrix, and Abramelin, attend lessons together, engage inactivities, and even drink tea after class in a secret chamber. The story is unfolding...