Summer Refuge is an intergenerational observation reality show produced by Bilibili. The program, in cooperation with the China Aging Association affiliated to the State Council, invited three experienced elders who living alone in Shanghai to start a 21 day intergenerational living experience with some Shanghai floating youth who have a unique attitude towards life. By truly recording the lives of the elderly and young people under the same roof, the program allows the two generations to approach and understand each other's world, so as to explore a new way of life in the future, and create a "home" with no blood relationship but family affection in the city.
Variety Show
Chinese Mainland
Starting: Sep 22, 2021
Summer Refuge is an intergenerational observation reality show produced by Bilibili. The program, in cooperation with the China Aging Association affiliated to the State Council, invited three experienced elders who living alone in Shanghai to start a 21 day intergenerational living experience with some Shanghai floating youth who have a unique attitude towards life. By truly recording the lives of the elderly and young people under the same roof, the program allows the two generations to approach and understand each other's world, so as to explore a new way of life in the future, and create a "home" with no blood relationship but family affection in the city.