The story takes place in the New World, a "Seal Island of Capable Persons" that can seal the power of Devil Fruits. After arriving in the new world where navigation is very difficult, the strength of the Silver Fox Foxy Pirates has become stronger, leading a talented strategist and two other powerful newbies to make a comeback, and with the members of the Straw Hat Pirates came a mysterious battle...
ONE PIECE 〜アドベンチャー オブ ネブランディア〜
Starting: Dec 18, 2015
The story takes place in the New World, a "Seal Island of Capable Persons" that can seal the power of Devil Fruits. After arriving in the new world where navigation is very difficult, the strength of the Silver Fox Foxy Pirates has become stronger, leading a talented strategist and two other powerful newbies to make a comeback, and with the members of the Straw Hat Pirates came a mysterious battle...