Yuji Itadori, a high school student who indulges in unsubstantiated paranormal phenomena at an occult club, spends his days in the clubroom or in the hospital, visiting his bedridden grandfather. However, even in such a leisurely life, one day he encounters a cursed item. Triggering a series of supernatural events, Yuji was suddenly thrust into the cursed world, a terrifying being formed from human malice and negativity...
Sorcery Fight
Starting: Sep 23, 2021
Yuji Itadori, a high school student who indulges in unsubstantiated paranormal phenomena at an occult club, spends his days in the clubroom or in the hospital, visiting his bedridden grandfather. However, even in such a leisurely life, one day he encounters a cursed item. Triggering a series of supernatural events, Yuji was suddenly thrust into the cursed world, a terrifying being formed from human malice and negativity...